Why A Haircut At Legends Barber Costs R250 While R20 At Chester’s Salon

“Why’s getting a haircut at Legends Barber so expensive?” is one of the most asked questions in the world of barbershops right now.

As you can see, the haircut below are exactly the same, however the one done on the left costs R20, while the one done on the right hand side is going for a freaking R250.

In order to understand how Legends Barber has reached such a high price tag and popularity, we must go beyond the black Twitter rumor mill.

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So Why’s Legends Barber Expensive??

The irony is that as much as the online streets complain about the cost of getting a haircut at Legends Barber, the company seems to be doing pretty well.

Just recently on the 2nd of December, the company grand opened its 61st store in Botswana. So as long as people are willing to cough up the R250 for a haircut at Legends Barber, they’ll keep charging the same prices or maybe even increase it.

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Most people in the country are familiar with the Legends Barber brand. The company’s unique approach to branding eliminates the vast majority of competition in the haircut market.

Legends Barber’s brand is made up of stories, quality, prestige and exclusiveness. Their mission statement reads:
“Its More Than What Legends Are Made Of”

Mission Statement
From decoding the company’s mission as a brand, they wanna come across as exclusive, luxury and quality-loving, yet a professional company with local emotiveness despite being national enterprise.

This has undoubtedly helped the company maintain steps ahead of their competitors and thus, allows them to super-charge prices for their haircuts and products.

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Legends Barber capitalizes on the fact that it takes people about two weeks to want to get another haircut.

The next time you’re in town or the mall, take note of where Legends Barber is situated. Usually its stores are located where there’s a lot of traffic.

Since Legends Barber is stacked up in the bank, it has the opportunity to situate itself in locations where the likes of Chester’s can’t really afford

This gives Legends Barber an added advantage of being situated in areas that have a higher rate of walk-ins as compared Chester’s Salon.

These high traffic areas allow brand loyalty and sales of Legends Barber to increase exponentially while Chester’s sales grow linearly.

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In Closing

Legends Barber is expensive because it has to be expensive. It has to maintain its image of exclusivity & prestige, and also its appearance of almost limitless growth.

So low prices like Chester’s R20, undermine that effort greatly.


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