Oceana Group To Have Its Secondary Listing On A2X

Oceana Group has been approved for a secondary listing on A2X. It is the continent’s largest fish protein company and ranks amongst the most empowered companies listed on JSE.

Its issued share capital will not be affected by its secondary listing.

“The A2X listing presents another opportunity to provide additional value to our shareholders,”

“Our listing on A2X will allow investors to experience the benefits created through the platform’s lower exchange fees, narrower spreads and added liquidity when they transact in Oceana’s shares.”

Zaf Mahomed, Oceana CFO

With a market cap of approximately R9 billion, Oceana will still retain its primary listing on the JSE. Its shares will be available for trade on A2X from Monday, 3 April 2023.

“Taking the opportunity to list on A2X will benefit both Oceana and its shareholders,”

Kevin Brady, A2X CEO

A2X is a licensed stock exchange providing a secondary company listing venue.

With a total market capitalisation of R6.7+ trillion. The Oceana listing brings the number of instruments available for trade on A2X to 108.

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