7 Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About MoyaApp

MoyaApp enables South Africans to message each other without airtime or a data balance on their smartphone.

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While message attachments like photos, videos, voice notes, documents and the like are fully supported, sending media attachments is not data-free.

The app is part of the #datafree initiative, which offers a collection of apps and sites that do not use up end-users’ data while using them.

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7 Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About MoyaApp

01. Developed By Gour Lentell

Gour Lentell

The app was developed by Zimbabwean-born Gour Lentell, who’s also the CEO of Moya’s parent company — He aims to grow Moya users to at least 10 million by the end of this year.

02. Spent R0 For Marketing

MoyaApp currently has over 6.5 million active monthly users with 4 million users daily – all achieved with NO marketing spend!

So how exactly did they do this almost incredulous thing? “Viral. It’s the cheapest and best form of marketing. All of MoyaApp’s growth has been viral in South Africa.

The team stuck to a clear, strong, simple, and explainable value proposition, with ‘DATA FREE’ being core to the incredibly viral response they got.

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03. Advertisers Foot The Bill For The Data Costs

MoyaApp pays the data cost behind the messaging by offering ad space to companies wanting to access the millions of South African citizens using the app.

For instance, Shoprite has to pay to have its website available within the app, so people are able to browse its products & services for free.

04. Most Users Are Based In Gauteng Province

MoyaApp’s user base per every Province in South Africa.

05. Product of Datafree

Datafree, parent company of MoyaApp

MoyaApp is a subsidiary of Datafree(previously biNu), an Australian based mobile startup company originally founded in 2008 by Gour Lentell and Dave Turner, with additional offices in Cape Town, Johannesburg and the UK.

06. Took A Year To Reach 1 Million Active Monthly Users
MoyaApp was officially launched in August 2018, and managed to reach 1 million active monthly users in August of the following year.

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07. Launched MoyaPay

MoyaPay, payment feature of MoyaApp

In November 2021, MoyaApp launched its own payment portal called MoyaPay that functions within the app. The payment feature allows users the ability to send and receive money in a data free app.

MoyaPay allows for transfers to a wallet held by a user from Standard Bank Capitec, FNB, Absa, Nedbank, RMB, SPOT Money, Zapper, and MoyaPay itself — EFT transfers are also supported.

During its soft launch, MoyaPay had already amassed as much as 100 000 registered users on its platform.


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