This journey becomes easier when you never try hard to prove a point that you are “rich and smart”.
Truth is you are going to be broke most of your time and keep making lame mistakes.
One of the reasons why other people quit it’s because they get tired of being called wack and being blamed non-stop. They quit because they thought they were perfect.
The hardships in the journey are the reason I never push/advice anyone to become an entrepreneur.
The secret in this game is that 90% of all the entrepreneurs you know “especially locally” are “broke” not financially stable (because they invested/lack money for investment).
I know these because of my 9 years of experience, I learned the hard way and I’m still learning. You gonna owe people money and fail to pay them in time, you gonna dissapoint your customers, you gonna get criticized and exposed, you gonna look like a fake and a liar.
All successful business men and women also went/go through these hardships. Keep pushing until you win.
Ever seen a loser buying a Ferrari cash? Exactly! Everyone will forget about your imperfections by the time you become very successful. One day they will respect you for never giving up on your dreams. Just focus on putting in the Work.
You are not the only one who is going through a lot, you are not cursed, it’s part of the journey.
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